
allegory - description of one thing under the image of another; A figurative sentence or discourse, in which the principal subject is described by another subject resembling it in its properties and circumstances. The real subject is thus kept out of view, and we are left to collect the intentions of the writer or speaker by the resemblance of the secondary to the primary subject. (Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1998)

authorial intent - the intention behind the message that the author is trying to communicate.

cosmology - a cosmology is that part of your worldview that explains the origin of all that exists.

exilic era (first) - when the Jews were slaves to Egypt.

exilic era (second) - when the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem.

genre - the category to which something belongs. For example, music performed by Mozart belongs in the classical music genre, whereas music performed by George Jones belongs in the country music genre.

Ultra-conservative theologically; usually sees all aspects of the Bible as inerrant, and equates the Bible with Christ. More focused on conserving traditional interpretations of Scripture than conserving the original intent of the biblical texts. Intolerant of alternative views; relies heavily on propaganda to secure theological views. Dogmatic approach does not allow for academic freedom in institutions of higher educations, e.g. seminaries.

Conservative (also: Evangelical Conservative)
Views the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, but does not equate the Bible with Jesus. Allows for limited academic freedom. Relies less on propaganda and is usually more rational and reason-oriented than fundamentalists. Experiences tension with conserving traditions and conserving original meaning of the biblical texts when the two efforts differ.

Believes that concepts expressed in the Bible are inerrant, but the texts may contain variants and errors. More open-minded than conservatives; more accepting of controversial secondary theological concepts, such as women ministers. Allows for academic freedom, sometimes to the point of encouraging religious diversity within colleges and seminaries. Focus is more on conserving the original meaning of the biblical texts, while seriously scrutinizing all traditional interpretations.

Disbelief in the actual resurrection of Jesus. They interpret the resurrection texts to be allegorical of the successful rise of the early Christian Church, primarily the accounts communicated in the book of Acts. Liberal scholars critique the biblical texts in search of later insertions. Liberal theologians critique commonly accepted theologies such as salvation by grace.

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